It has been well documented that underground and open-cast mining activities have an impact on local biodiversity throughout the mining life cycle, from exploration to closure.
How can mines reduce maintenance opex for haul roads?
A well maintained haul road network is the backbone of any South African mine, so its condition and subsequent productivity needs to be kept at an optimal level. Therefore, high maintenance and operating costs for haul roads is quite often accepted as a necessary burden by the mine operator.
[Case Study] Dust-A-Side’s fog cannons achieve a 53% outside perimeter fallout dust reduction.
Case study background: Fog cannons (sometimes known as mist cannons) are an effective option for achieving dust suppression in mine sites, quarries, construction sites, demolition sites and other industrial areas. This is because they can be easily set up, are portable and are also ideal for controlling visible dust.
How to reduce uncontrolled movements on wet haul roads
The complications associated with the overwatering of haul roads for dust suppression purposes are well documented. These highlight safety issues such as uncontrolled vehicle movements that can have serious consequences for operators and the mine. These hazards are also present during extended periods of wet weather on haul roads (particularly after long periods of dry weather).
Dust-A-Side Coal celebrates two years of serving local clients and local communities
Dust-A-Side Coal is proud to announce that it has now been successfully serving local clients and communities in Mpumalanga for two years. The company was first born out of a strategy by the Dust-A-Side Group of companies to be locally owned and operated. As such, the Group ceded it’s dust suppression businesses in Mpumalanga to Dust-A-Side Coal during 2019.
Meet Dust-A-Side Coal's MD - Fortune Naledi
My childhood I grew up in a township called Nkowa-nkowa which is found in Tzaneen, Limpopo Province. I’m the fourth born of five siblings. I grew up in a Christian family background. My siblings and I were raised by a single parent (my mom) whom at the time was working as an insurance broker. Things were not always easy but with God on our side we pulled through. Her entrepreneurial skills and love for God has made her a phenomenal woman whom I look up to still today.